Americas Low Standards

Has America lowered its standards on everything? Can you imagine owning a very large corporation and the person you put in charge is sabotaging the entire operation and this owner continues to allow this to keep happening even though much of the destruction is illegal and is destroying people and is even costing lives?   This example likens to the present CEO of our country who apparently has never read the country’s handbook on the legal and proper way to run this country- i.e. the U.S. Constitution and I doubt that many of his colleagues have read it or even care about it. It seems that they may have censored our Constitution. 

These very low standards lead to our justice system which is also corrupt and  unethical and have lost their purpose. They have become political and use this power to attack the innocent and protect the guilty.

The last 3 years have seen surge in anti-Semitism , anti-Americanism, anti-truth, and even anti-reality. The left who seem to thrive comfortably in denial, hatred, vandalism, and playing their part in destroying this nation, which has blessed them so much, have become monsters.

Our schools are not helping matters by teaching hatred of America, immorality, racism, and a false version of our history.  Even some churches have lowered their standards by straying from the Word of God so those living lascivious life-styles and have alternative gender identities will not be offended. Right will always be right and wrong will always be wrong and the Word of God is absolute.

To reverse course we need to cut off the head of the snake because this all began with a change of leadership. We need to vote those out who regularly break their oath of office and we need to finish draining the swamp.

The biggest game changer would be to “get us out of the United Nations which is a totally useless organization that hates America. They now want to silence those who express traditional values of marriage, abortion, sexuality, and gender identities.

People are free to believe whatever they want and I truly believe in these 3 absolutes, “death, taxes, and the 2020 election was totally rigged.” No matter what you or I think, at the end of the day, the answer doesn’t lie with us. It lies at the polls and I will never give up on election integrity and neither should you.

– Kim Olson 

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